“To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.”
Since my husband, our beagle, and I moved to Germany in 2012, we've been on a journey to discover good food and see as much of the world as we can. We don't know where we'll end up, but as Robert Louis Stevenson said, we'll never really reach our goals and that's okay because it's the journey that counts.
I'm not an expert on food and travel by any means, but I'm learning. As a teenager, I was fortunate enough to have a cool older sister who made me her de facto dinner date when she tried a new restaurant. I can forever thank her for my love of truffles and tuna tartare. Then as a young adult in need of money for college, I spent three years working in various fine dining restaurants. I've seen the American side of the service industry with all its ups and downs. Now as an adult, I love both cooking and eating out, whether the place is a burger dive or a Michelin rated restaurant.
The purpose of this blog is to share some of my experiences with others. After a trip to Prague in Spring 2014, I was impressed by some locals on a food tour of the city and deeply grateful for their insider tips. I hope that as I travel and taste, I can now share some of my own tips. I've professionally blogged before for both a consumer electronics company and teaching website, and so I'm excited to begin a blog of my own.
So please, as you read, let me know in the comments section what you find interesting, boring, or just plain wrong, and certainly share some of your own tips with me. If you'd like to contact me directly with non-post related inquiries, then please feel free to message me on Travel Hungry's Facebook page or use the contact form below.
I'm traveling hungry and looking forward to the journey to come!

Travel Hungry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at travelhungry.co.