Welcome to Travel Hungry

That's right, Traveling Hopefully is now Travel Hungry.



I never imagined I'd continue blogging for this long, but after two years, I still enjoy spending the time reflecting on and sharing the great meals that I've had at home and abroad. Now that my blog is a bit more mature, the old name and style just didn't seem to fit with what I felt my blog had come to be about. I want the new site to better reflect what I blog for and about: great food in Stuttgart and beyond. 


You'll notice that the name isn't the only new feature. I've updated my blog's style to make the layout a bit more eye-catching. I've also commissioned my very talented husband to create a new logo for me that I hope will better define my name.  


Apart from blogging about my outings to local restaurants and food-focused travels, I'm also going to start blogging about some of the more successful recipes that I make at home. Food is a big part of my life, and I actually spend more time cooking at home than eating out. A lot of what I make are recipes from the places that I've lived and traveled to that I just can't find in the local restaurants. I'll be sharing those recipes, along with any tips, for you to enjoy. 


I'm traveling hungry and looking forward to the journey to come!